The latest from the Apiman Blog

The Apiman blog presents the latest Apiman release news and insights. We also share relevant API and software engineering content that we think you will find interesting.

Customizing JBoss apiman Through Policy Plugins

This is the second in a series of articles exploring API management with JBoss apiman. The first article was a general introduction to apiman for impatient users where in only 10 minutes we installed apiman, created users and organizations, and APIs, policies, contracts, and client apps. In this article, we’ll take the first step toward customizing apiman by creating new plugins to implement API policies.

plugins, policies, development, maven

An Impatient New User’s Introduction to API Management with JBoss apiman 1.0

Software application development models are evolutionary things. New technologies are always being created and require new approaches. It’s frequently the case today, that a service oriented architecture (SOA) model is used and that the end product is a software service that can be used by applications. The explosion in growth of mobile devices has only accelerated this trend. Every new mobile phone sold is another platform onto which applications are deployed. These applications are often built from services provided from multiple sources. The applications often consume these services through their APIs.

OK, that’s all interesting, but why does this matter?

introduction, overview