Apiman Concepts

API Gateway

The runtime layer of Apiman consists of a small, lightweight and embeddable API Gateway, which is responsible for applying the policies configured in the API Manager to all requests to managed APIs.

The Apiman gateway is distributed in two main versions:

  • Vert.x: Our premier and recommended gateway platform.

  • WAR: Runnable on various Servlet platforms.


The API Gateway is a completely separate component from the API Manager, and can therefore be used completely standalone if desired. However, the API Manager provides a great deal of management functionality (along with a user interface) that is quite useful. The API Gateway has a simple REST API that is used to configure it. The API provides the following basic capabilities:

  • Publish an API

  • Register a Client App (with API Contracts)

  • Retire an API

  • Unregister a Client App

Typically, the API Manager is used to manage the configuration of various APIs and client apps within the scope of one or more Organizations. At various times during the management of these entities, the user of the API Manager will 'Publish' an API or 'Register' a Client App. When this action occurs, the API Manager invokes one of the relevant API Gateway configuration endpoints listed above.

Invoking Managed APIs

Once appropriate configuration has been published/registered with the API Gateway (see the Configuration section above), the API Gateway can be used to make managed calls to the APIs it knows about. A managed API can be invoked as though the back-end API were being invoked directly, with the exception that the endpoint is obviously different.

The specific endpoint to use in order to invoke a particular API can be different based on the Gateway implementation. However, typically the endpoint format is:


Note that all path segments beyond the {version} segment will be proxied on to the back-end API endpoint. Additionally, all HTTP headers and all query parameters (except for the API Key) will also be proxied to the back-end API.

Requests to managed endpoints may include the API Key so that the Gateway knows which Client App is being used to invoke the API.

The API Key can be sent in one of the following ways:

  • As an HTTP Header named X-API-Key

  • As a URL query parameter named apikey

If the API being invoked is a "Public" API, then no API Key should be sent. However, the request should still be sent to the same endpoint as described above.

The endpoint itself contains enough information to let the Gateway know what API is being invoked.

If an API is not "Public" and you omit the API Key, then the request will fail.

Recording Metrics

The API Gateway is typically configured to record each request made to it into a metrics storage system of some kind. By default, Apiman will use an included Elasticsearch instance to store this information. Various pieces of information about each request is included in the record, including but not necessarily limited to the following:

  • Request start and end times

  • API start and end times (i.e. just the part of the request taken up by the back end API)

  • Resource path

  • Response type (success, failure, error)

  • API info (org id, id, version)

  • Client App info (org id, id, version)

This information is then available for analysis and reporting. The data can be accessed in a number of ways, including:

  • Through the API Manager UI

  • Through the API Manager REST API

  • Directly from the metrics system

Some metrics implementations support capturing custom headers and query parameters. Refer to the Installation Guide for more.