Gateway Components

Apiman is made up of a number of different components, many of which can be configured to use various implementations and/or providers. When downloading and installing apiman, the default distribution includes reasonable default values for all options.

Refer to your platform’s configuration documentation, or the corresponding component configuration documentation for comprehensive information.

API Gateway Registry

The API Gateway includes a registry that stores the published API and Client App information. This registry is updated whenever a user publishes an API (or registers a Client App) from within the API Manager UI. The registry contains just the configuration information necessary for the API Gateway to properly apply the appropriate policies to all inbound requests.

Rate Limiter

The rate limiter component is used by apiman policies to enforce rate limits and uses the specified implementation to store data. Different implementations are likely to have different semantic and performance characteristics which should be paid attention to.

Shared State

The shared state component is used by apiman policies to share interesting state information across multiple requests.


Apiman has a metrics engine that collects a variety of valuable data before passing it to a pluggable metrics component. This affords all metrics implementations complete control in processing and extruding data.

For example, Elasticsearch and InfluxDB and JDBC are available, amongst others.